
for flute, clarinet, viola, and cello

Nicholas Goodwin – flute
Pamela Wilkinson – clarinet
Scott Moore – viola
James Burch – cello

Program Note:

Water-shot was inspired by a painting of the same name by American Color Field painter, Morris Louis. The painting is comprised of long alternating stripes of paint in contrasting
colors down the center of a very large canvas. This bold statement gave me the idea to
begin the piece with a viola solo. Just as the viewer’s eye is drawn to the center of the
canvas, the listener’s ear is drawn to the soloist. The long stripes of paint also inspired
me to use glissandi as a prominent feature of this piece. Water-shot was premiered in
September at UT Austin’s Blanton Museum of Art as part of the Midday Music Concert Series. The painting is currently on display at the Blanton.